The Livewell Commands

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CommandStreamelements CommandsNotes
!listProvides a link to The Livewell fishing list
!onlineWho's online on The Livewell list of streamers
!fishingWho's fishing on The Livewell list of streamers
!fishLet your twitch chat see your current fish count. This will be automatically updated on the widget as well.
!fishaddPlus one to your fish counter. Set this to moderators only.
!fishsubSubtract one from your fish counter. Set this to moderators only.
!fishresetReset your fish counter. Set this to moderators only.
!fishmanual XManually adjust your fish counter. To use: !fishmanual X where the X is the current fish count. Set this to moderators only.
!fishhelpThis allows your chat to see the full list of counter commands